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  • January 17, 2024

    Pintos- Getting to know OS

    To understand operating system , pintos provides an interactive test environment to understand fundamentals in an amicable manner. There are 4 projects and as we progress , we’ll build intuition for the practicality of thread , semaphore, scheduli...

  • January 01, 2024

    Localization for Indoor Navigation

    To localise wireless device in indoor setting, we can utilise CSI data from access points which we can get using SLAM techniques. Each accesspoint has inconsistant offset and need to be dealt with.Transformation:convert SxA Matrix to a heatmap us...

  • March 01, 2023

    Pipe it up

    To channelise a data stream, or pipe an event from a source to a destination , we have numerous tools and technologies to utilise. We need in complex etl pipeline, or realtime event sourcing designs. Lately, there have been development of services...

  • March 22, 2022

    ElasticSearch - Now you Know

    All enterprise application are just a wrapper service that gets evolved gradually , but underneath there lies basic functions. Here, I’ll start with a simple DSA question where we add sentences and search it by some input words.The algorithm that ...

  • January 01, 2022


    The year 2021 was prolifirated with lots of learning. I started with Azure DevOps and ending it with Angular12. In the middle , i enrolled for a data scientist program and now i can promote myself in DataScience segment to be considered as a bette...